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A favorite hike of ours is close to home and easily accessible by car or bike for us, PIKE ISLAND (Dakota name Wita Tanka). This is a hiking trail within FORT SNELLING STATE PARK. From the entrance of the park, follow the road to the Visitors Center. Once you park you will see trail maps […]
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When I was in elementary school we always went to Dodge Nature Center. Years later, I had totally forgotten about it until I happened to drive by it one day. It still took me another 8 years and a pandemic to finally go. I’m so glad I did! The first thing you’ll notice when you […]
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It’s Spring Break in Mpls. With the Stay-At-Home restrictions in place our goals are to get out into nature as much as possible and find new places off the beaten path to explore. Once such place is the Hiawatha Golf Course in Mpls. When it’s not in use for golf in the summer you can […]